Adresse : RN 1-PK 13, Belle terre Est - Macouria
Téléphone : 0694 405 408
Dieu a créé le monde en six jours et s'est reposé le septième. Le sabbat annonce par anticipation le royaume de Dieu où paix et véritable liberté seront éternelles.
Horaires: Sam 9h-19h/Mer, 19h-20h
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Pricing & Plans

Choose The Perfect Plan

Discover the ideal plan that suits your needs and unlocks all the features and benefits we offer.

$ 29 / Per year
Regular Plan

Basic features for up to 40 users.

$ 199 / Per year
Standard Plan

Basic features for up to 40 users.

$ 1099 / Per year
Golden Plan

Basic features for up to 40 users.

$ 1099 / Per year
Golden Plan

Basic features for up to 40 users.

$ 199 / Per year
Standard Plan

Basic features for up to 40 users.

$ 29 / Per year
Regular Plan

Basic features for up to 40 users.

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Grow Your Early Stage Startup

Empower the growth of your early-stage startup with our comprehensive solutions and expert guidance.

Standard Plan
Basic features for up to 40 users.
$24 / User
Pro Business
For the professionals
$28 / User
For the beginners
$35 / User